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Would You like to insert your 468x60 banner into the pages of our site for free, without return links or scripts to insert into the your site?


The staff welcomes you. 

If you are interested in inserting your banner 468x60, not only on our home page but also on many other internal pages the steps to follow are simple and short:


1)Click on the "create your free account" link at the top right

2)Enter all the data regarding your website

3)Wait, after about 24 hours (generally much less than the activation email)

4)Enter your personal area from the "Log in to your account" link at the top, click on "Your data" and insert your banner and you're done. If you already have an account on our site, enter directly into your personal area and send us your banner.



2000 views of your banner will be assigned + 50 per week which will be shown on our pages in rotation and others can be earned for free in various ways.

For example: logging in at least once a day, voting for a site or more.......(still under development)

N.B. It is not at all necessary to insert the banner on your site (but it helps -rate of 0.9:1-)